Kitchen's Tap Water Taste Like Dirt? Clean Your The Aerator

If your kitchen's tap water tastes gritty or dirty, you might wonder if there's something wrong with your plumbing pipes. Your funny tasting water may be due to a dirty aerator. Aerators should filter out impurities before they pass through to your cup or glass. But sometimes, bacteria and algae can invade different areas of your home's water and affect its taste and smell. You can fix your aerator's problems with the tips below. [Read More]

Adding A UV Germicidal Lamp To Your HVAC System: Is It Worth The Effort?

Not only is your HVAC system tasked with keeping your home comfortable year-round, but it also plays an instrumental role when it comes to your home's indoor air quality. A good-quality air filter can prevent a wide variety of pollutants from circulating in your home's indoor air, but it may not be enough for mold and other microbes that often trigger allergies and illnesses. A little ultraviolet (UV) light can go a long way towards improving your home's indoor air quality, but is it worth the expense and effort of installing a UV germicidal lamp in your HVAC system? [Read More]

Tips For Staying Cool This Summer Without Breaking The Bank With Your Power Bill

If you dread the summer season because it always results in large power bills from running your home's central air conditioner, then you will be pleased to learn that there are many different ways you can lower your electrical usage and still stay comfortable even on the hottest days of the year. While you cannot go without air conditioning all summer, by making simple changes to the way you cool your home, you can see your power bills significantly drop. [Read More]

Tips On Maintaining Air Conditioning Quality

When you need for your air conditioning system to serve you well, you will need to get in touch with air conditioning professionals who are effective, while also following some points of your own. You will need to apply some strategies that will allow you to get the best overall performance from your system, so that it serves you well throughout the spring and summer seasons. To make the most of your air conditioner, contemplate these points and use them periodically. [Read More]