3 (Surprising) Reasons To Avoid Oversized Air Conditioners

If you're like many homeowners, you probably think that bigger HVAC systems are better. After all, it makes sense that a more powerful air conditioner would do a better job at keeping your home cool than a weaker system. Surprisingly, the situation is not nearly this simple. Instead, it's far more important to match your system's size as closely as possible to your home's unique cooling needs. However, choosing the correct capacity for your home isn't just about maintaining a comfortable temperature. [Read More]

Furnace Blowing Cool Air? 3 Common Causes

When the furnace is blowing cold air, but the thermostat is in the heat setting, there is no question that the furnace is not functioning properly. The question instead is, why is the furnace not working correctly? Unfortunately, many reasons can cause a furnace to malfunction, but fortunately, once the issue has been identified, repairs are often manageable.  Condensation Line Blockage Many newer furnaces are designed as high-efficiency models. As part of their energy-saving design, they have condensation drain lines that route excess moisture away from the system. [Read More]

4 Signs You Overwork Your AC And Need Repair Services

Most homeowners compromise the efficiency of their air conditioners without realizing it. Therefore, they seek emergency repair services to fix the system after a sudden breakdown. This post will highlight signs that you overwork your AC and need repair services. 1. Using the Same Filter for Prolonged Periods Forgetting to change your AC filters is quite common among homeowners. Some deliberately ignore them because the air conditioner works just fine with the old, dusty filters. [Read More]

3 Telltale Signs That Your Water Heater Is About To Cease Functioning

A functional water heater is a necessity in most homes, especially during the cold season. The appliance enables household members to perform house chores more easily. Unfortunately, like other appliances, your furnace might break down when you need it the most. Therefore, to avoid inconveniences, you need to keep an eye out for issues that might indicate that your water heater may have a problem. Once you suspect an issue, contact a professional plumber to repair your furnace before the damage escalates. [Read More]