3 HVAC Tips Every First-Time Homeowner Should Know To Avoid Emergency Repair Bills

Being a first-time homeowner is an important accomplishment on the path to a lifetime of financial success. But in addition to learning about the importance of making a wise real estate investment, first-time homeowners also get an education in how to handle home maintenance and repair issues, such as HVAC system failures. Since this type of repair can be expensive, homeowners who learn how to prolong the life of their air conditioning and heating system can often enjoy fewer costly component repairs and replacements during their ownership of the home. 

Tip One: Keep the System and Components Clean 

Just like other mechanical equipment, furnace and air conditioning components operate more smoothly and efficiently when they are kept clean. Dirt, dust, and grime can clog filters and vents, restricting air flow and forcing HVAC systems to work harder. Over time, a system that is stress in this manner is likely to break down or wear out faster than one that is kept free of dust and dirt.

To avoid this type of problem and help to prolong the life of the home's heating and cooling components, first-time homeowners should make sure they regularly clean and vacuum vents, components and the general area in which the equipment is housed to control dust. In addition, changing the system's filters, as directed in the manufacturer's instructions, is a critical part of keeping the system clean and operating efficiently. 

Tip Two: Learn to Recognize Potential Issues 

In addition to keeping the system clean, homeowners who learn to recognize potential signs of wear and tear can help to prevent emergency HVAC failures and the potential for higher repair bills for emergency service calls. Symptoms and signs that your air conditioning and heating system is struggling can include: 

  • strange noises or vibrations when the system is operating 
  • sudden, unexplained temperature fluctuations
  • signs or smells of heat or smoke, or the discoloration of any of the system components
  • progressively lower heating and cooling efficiency

Issues of this type can be a sign of an impending component failure, so it is important to have them checked out as soon as they are noticed. 

Tip Three: Invest in Seasonal Maintenance 

Regular inspection and maintenance by a professional HVAC service professional is an investment in home HVAC systems that can really pay off. Not only will having this type of seasonal maintenance help to prevent system failures, it will also help to ensure that the system continues to run smoothly and efficiently, helping to lower heating and cooling costs all year long. 

For more information, contact companies like Lakeside Heating & A/C Inc.
