Does Your Dog Need Air Conditioning?

If you have a hard time handling the summer heat, you might be equally concerned about how your dog is able to cope. While turning off your AC when you leave the house can be the best solution for your utility bill, it might not be the best solution for your animals. If you're facing a huge summer heat wave, here are some facts and tips about keeping dogs cool that will influence your decision to run your cooling system, even when you are not at home. [Read More]

3 Steps For Cleaning Your Central Air Conditioning System

Spring is the time when you should start preparing your home for summer, and one of the things you should do is clean your central air conditioning (AC) system. By cleaning it and performing routine maintenance, your AC will be ready to use when the days start getting hotter. You can clean your AC system yourself by performing the following three steps. Change the Filter Central AC systems always have filters, and these should be changed regularly. [Read More]

What's That Smell? 7 Causes Of Odd Odors From Heating Vents

Is there an odd odor coming from your heating vent? There are many causes of heating vent odors, from burning dust to dead animal carcasses stuck in the air ducts. Energy Star recommends having a contractor perform an annual pre-season check-up to ensure that your heating system is running at peak performance. However, many homeowners fail to undergo these annual inspections which can lead to a buildup of dust and debris in the heating system. [Read More]

Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis And Air Conditioning Systems: Advice For Facilities Managers

Employers in the United States have a legal responsibility to provide their employees with safe working conditions, and air quality is an important part of any workplace. It's important to remember that the average person spends ninety percent of his or her time indoors, so clean air at home or in the workplace is vital. Workplace air conditioning systems help control air quality, and poor maintenance can lead to health problems like hypersensitivity pneumonitis. [Read More]