4 Warning Indicators That Your Heater Could Be Broken

As the cold season approaches, the last thing you need to worry about is a broken heater. Remember that your heating system malfunction can be caused by simple issues you can easily fix, like basic furnace setting or filter replacement. However, in case your repairs involve mechanical or electrical parts, it's best to seek the help of a furnace repair technician. A certified specialist will diagnose and repair your system, helping you avoid expensive repairs. But, how can you tell that your unit requires the attention of a professional? Here are a few tips that will help you identify a broken heater.

1. You can hear loud or unusual sounds from your unit

While most furnaces operate with minimal noise, you'll not have any difficulties identifying unusual noise. For instance, if you notice clanging in your furnace, the fan belt could be broken. A rumbling noise is an indication that your boiler could be overheating. If you have a heating system that operates on natural gas, and you can hear clicking noises, then your heat exchanger could be damaged and needs professional attention. When you hear any weird sound from your unit, ensure you seek the help of a furnace repair specialist. 

2. Your vents are blowing cold air instead of hot air

If you notice that your heater is blowing cold air regardless of how often you adjust your thermostat, you could have a broken heater. When heating your home, it should take about 20 minutes for your heater to start producing heat. Therefore, if you have set your thermostat to heat your home but the heater still blows cold air, contact a residential heating repair specialist to diagnose and repair your system.

3. Your furnace is overheating

An overheating furnace is a serious problem that can result in the replacement of your unit. Fortunately, there are different things that will indicate that your furnace is overheating. Common indicators include a burning smell from your vents and noise from your blower motor. If your heater comes with an automatic safety shut down, it will shut down when it overheats and won't start up again. Before this happens, ensure that you consult a residential heating professional to inspect why your unit is overheating and conduct repairs.

4. There is a sudden rise in your energy bills

If you monitor your electricity costs and notice a sudden spike in your bills that you can't attribute to a change in season, it could signify your heater isn't working effectively. The rise in your power bills could be your heater draining power to overcome faulty operation. If you don't hire a furnaces repair expert soon, you may incur expensive repairs.

Furnaces are complex devices, and it's crucial that you know how to detect a malfunctioning unit. Therefore, if you notice any of the above indicators, ensure that you get a residential heating repair technician. Call a company like Central York Corp to schedule a service. 
